
Mt. Shiudeyama is a famous Hydrangeas sightseeing location as well as cherry blossoms. The view from the top observation deck of Mt. Shiudeyama is the magnificent. The beauty of the Seto Inland Sea’s many islands appears close enough to capture in one’s hands. In addition to the hydrangeas, there are cherry blossoms, azaleas, daffodils, and other flowers planted along the pathway leading up to the observation deck and throughout the plaza at the peal of the mountain, securing Mount Shiudeyama’s fame as a popular floral sightseeing location.

住所:香川県三豊市詫間町積 [GoogleMap]
駐車:80台(無料) 駐車場より山頂展望台まで徒歩7分

Hydrangeas of Mt. Shiudeyama
Address : Tsumu, Takuma town, Mitoyo city, Kagawa pref., Japan [GoogleMap]
Season : mid June – early July
Car Park : 80 cars (Free) / 7min from car park by foot
Tel : 0875-84-7896






The Legend of Urashima
The legend of Urashima Taro lives on in the Shonai Peninsula. In the legend, a fisherman named Taro saved a turtle, and as a reward is invited to the dragon god’s palace under the sea. Taro stayed there for three days, but when he returned to land he was shocked to find that 300 years had passed. The place where Taro is said to have been born is “Namari”(birthplace), and the rock where he sat with his fishing line in hand is called “Itonokoshi” (Line crossing).



The island in the bay where Taro saved the turtle is “Maruyama-Jima island” (round mountain island), and the place where he carried the treasure box he received from Otohime, the daughter of the dragon god of the sea, is “Tsumu” (stack). The place where Taro opened the box and was enveloped in smoke that made him into an old man is “Hako” (box). It is said that the smoke rose to the mountain and collected into purple clouds around “Shiudeyama” (Mount Shiudeyama, purple cloud rising mountain), and the place where he lived upon becoming an old man is called “Buro-hama“ (beach of eternal youth). In addition to these whimsical place names, there is the Urashima Shrine and other ancient remains scattered throughout the area, making it wonderful place to enjoy historical charm amid beautiful scenery.

住所:香川県三豊市詫間町積 [GoogleMap]
駐車:80台(無料) 駐車場より山頂展望台まで徒歩7分

Hydrangeas of Mt. Shiudeyama
Address : Tsumu, Takuma town, Mitoyo city, Kagawa pref., Japan [GoogleMap]
Season : mid June – early July
Car Park : 80 cars (Free) / 7min from car park by foot
Tel : 0875-84-7896

紫雲出山 – 三豊市観光交流局

In Summer, see hydrangeas in full bloom.(June – July)

Located on the Shonai Peninsula in Mitoyo, Kagawa, Mt. Shiude rewards those who travel off the beaten path.Walk along the mountaintop path to the lookout point, where breathtaking views of the island-dotted Seto Inland Sea spreads before you and the outline of mainland Japan beckons in the distance. Drenched in cherry blossoms during the Spring and dotted with hydrangeas in the Summer, Mt. Shiude offers ever-changing scenery that delights year-round. Included in Yahoo! JAPAN’s 2017 list of Japan’s 15 Best Cherry Blossom spots and Places to Go Before You Die! World Scenery: Japan Edition.

The origin of the Name

Mt. Shiude’s name means “mountain of emerging purple clouds” and originates from the Legend of Urashima Taro, a popular Japanese folktale. Many people believe that the story took place around the Shonai Peninsula.

According to the story, Urashima Taro was a fisherman who saved a turtle, and in return, the turtle carried him to a palace below the sea where he was entertained by a beautiful princess. Eventually, growing homesick, he told the princess of his desire to return to his home, and she sent him back after gifting him with a treasure box and instructing him to never open it. Urashima Taro returned to his village to find that many years had passed. Forgetting the princess’s instructions, he opened the treasure box- allowing a cloud of smoke to escape- and found himself transformed into an old man.

It’s said that when Urashima Taro opened the treasure box, the escaping smoke formed purple clouds which hung over the mountain that is now Mt. Shiude, giving it this name.

夏の紫雲出山 満開のアジサイが美しい(6月~7月)

香川県三豊市の荘内半島に位置する紫雲出山(標高352m)。自然豊かな遊歩道を歩きながら山頂を目指せば、息をのむほど美しい瀬戸内海の風景が広がる紫雲出山。山頂展望台からは、瀬戸内海の多島美が見渡せます。また、春には桜、初夏にはアジサイと四季折々の花が美しく山を彩ります。近年、Yahoo!JAPANの「日本が誇る桜の絶景15選」や「死ぬまでに行きたい!世界の絶景 日本編(詩歩著書)」に選ばれたことで注目を集めています。
