

2015年10月撮影 – Photo Oct. 2015



I saw the scene somebody dried sesame at the entrance of house, Teshima island. I was surprised how to make sesame seeds and took photographs. Sesame is strong in the dry whether. Perhaps Kagawa pref. and islands of Seto Inland Sea is suitable for the cultivation of sesame.

ゴマ – Wikipedia


Japan is the world’s largest sesame importer. Sesame oil, particularly from roasted seed, is an important component of Japanese cooking and traditionally the principal use of the seed. China is the second-largest importer of sesame, mostly oil-grade.

Description of Business | Kadoya Sesame Mills Incorporated

1858: Founded Kadoya Mills in Shodoshima-Island, Kagawa Prefecture in 1858, and started sesame oil manufacturing and sales.

Floating in the Seto Inland Sea, Shodoshima Island is ideally suited to the production of sesame oil because of its warm and steady climate throughout the year. This nature-blessed environment is the home of Kadoya Sesame Mills, where Kadoya keeps its traditional flavor alive with the latest facilities and quality control techniques.
To provide everyone with sesame oil as a natural health food, we manufacture all products with production lines where the focus is placed on quality rather than efficiency, always keeping the creed “tenderly, softly and carefully” in mind to maximize and not spoil the natural flavor of the sesame.
For raw materials, we select sesame seeds of superior quality from selected sesame from all over the world, including the African nations. Even then, only the best of the best is used.
These selected materials are processed using traditional techniques, from roasting, braising and squeezing to filtration, and their quality perfectly controlled with the most advanced facilities.
In particular, we give full attention to roasting to create a unique, fragrant flavor and color; this is the secret of Kadoya’s flavor.
In addition, our research laboratory is exploring more fragrant and better flavors of sesame oil.

ごま油資料展示室見学 -かどや製油-
– 小豆島観光協会

時間:9:00~12:00 13:00~15:30 所要時間:30~40分
休業:土日祝日 及び 8月盆・年末年始
住所:小豆島 小豆郡土庄町甲6188 [Google Map]
詳細:1度に10人まで体験可 10人以上は応相談
電話:0879-62-1133 要予約

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