
3,000-year-old shark of the Japanese archipelago attack victim found Tsukumo Kaizuka (shell-mound) in the Seto Inland Sea by Oxford-led researchers.

住所:岡山県笠岡市西大島 [Google Map]

Tsukumo Kaizuka (shell-mound)
Address : Nishi-oshima Kasaoka city, Okayama pref., Japan [Google Map]
Natural monuments that are cultural properties

3,000-year-old shark attack victim found by Oxford-led researchers | University of Oxford

Newspapers regularly carry stories of terrifying shark attacks, but in a paper published today, Oxford-led researchers reveal their discovery of a 3,000-year-old victim – attacked by a shark in the Seto Inland Sea of the Japanese archipelago.

【岡山 国史跡】世界最古のサメに襲われた人骨、津雲貝塚で発見。3000年前の瀬戸内で - [Okayama] 3,000-year-old shark in Setouchi attack victim found
Though researchers recovered most of the person’s remains, experts were unable to find some portions of his skeleton. (Courtesy of Kyoto University)

Reconstruction of the oldest shark attack on a human, from Tsukumo shell-mound, Japan | School of Archaeology

Few creatures inspire as much awe, fear, and fascination as sharks, and this has not changed over the course of time. Three thousand years ago, a man likely fishing with his companions in the Seto Inland Sea of the Japanese archipelago came face-to-face with an end he could not escape. Published today in Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, an international team, led by researchers from the School, has reconstructed the circumstances surrounding the attack, and his skeleton now documents the earliest direct evidence we have for a shark attack on a human. How did we come to understand this?

津雲貝塚 文化遺産オンライン



津雲貝塚 – Wikipedia



現在でも、一部の教科書等に掲載されている。発掘当時から現在も所有者の畑となっている。 人骨はほとんど仰臥屈葬である。ほとんどが抜歯が認められる。少数ながら貝輪や腰飾り、鹿角製耳飾りの成人骨で、石製首飾りをしている小児骨もある。 出土遺物は、縄文土器・石鏃(せきぞく)・削器(さっき)・石錘(せきすい)・土偶・土板・鹿角製釣糸である。


この発掘には、京都帝国大学(現在の京都大学)文学部助教授医学博士 清野謙次などが関わっている。これらの発掘で出土した豊富な人骨資料は、清野が原日本人説を唱える際の重要な資料となった。

