
The ancient mountain castle of Kinojo, located in Soja City, Okayama Prefecture, is one of the ‘100 Great Castles of Japan’ and is thought to have been a defence base built by the Yamato Imperial Court in the late 7th century. The ruins of the castle are currently being surveyed and maintained, and the restored west gate offers a wonderful panoramic view. The Onino Castle Visitor Centre also displays the ruins and introduces the restoration process. The castle walls surround the summit of the mountain in a 2.8 km bowl, and there is a walking course that takes you around the castle on foot. Onino Castle is one of the most complete ancient mountain castles in Japan, and the views of the Seto Inland Sea and the surrounding area can be enjoyed. It is also known as the setting of the legend of Momotaro and is registered as a Japanese Heritage Site.

住所:岡山県総社市黒尾 [Google Map]
駐車場:無料 30台
指定:国の史跡「鬼城山」日本100名城(日本城郭協会)日本遺産(「桃太郎伝説」の生まれたまち おかやま)
鬼城山ビジターセンター:8:30~17:00 / 月曜定休(祝日の場合は翌日)

Ki castle (Ki no jō)
Address: Kuroo, Soja City, Okayama Prefecture [Google Map]
Parking: Free of charge 30 cars
Designation: National Historic Site “Mt. Kinojo-san”, one of the 100 best castles in Japan (Japan Castle Association), Japanese Heritage (Okayama, the birthplace of the “Momotaro legend”).
Onijozan Visitor Centre: 8:30-17:00 / Closed on Mondays (or the following day if Monday is a bank holiday).








城壁。鬼ノ城は、頂上部から斜面に変わるあたりに鉢巻をしめたように 2.8km にわたって城壁が築かれています。 城壁は直線を基本とし、多少の高低差はあるものの、下幅約7m、上幅約6m、高さ約6mの規模をもち、城壁で囲まれた城内面積は約30haに及ぶ広大さです。 城壁の大部分は、 土を少しずつ入れて 突き固めた「版築土塁(はんちくどるい)」で、要所の6ヶ所には高い石垣を築いていますが、基本的には土城です。 また城壁の上面には板塀が巡らされており、城壁の高さと一体となって攻路の難しい一大防御壁となっています。 ここには版築土塁・高石垣・水門があり、城壁の特徴をよく示している区間です。


敷石。鬼ノ城では、城壁の下の面に接して板石を多数敷きつめています。幅は基本的に1.5 m幅で、城内側の広い所では5m幅にもなる所もあります。 敷石は多くの区間に敷かれており、総重量は数千トンにもなります。 この石畳のような石は、通路としての役わりもあるものの、敷石の傾斜などからみて、もともとは雨水等が城壁を壊すのを防ぐことを目的としたものと考えられます。 敷石は、日本の古代山城では鬼ノ城にしかなく、朝鮮半島でも数例知られるだけの珍しいものです。 とくにこの区間の敷石は、鬼ノ城でも見事なところです。


ここ吉備地方には、大和朝廷が派遣した吉備津彦命(きびつひこのみこと)が人々を苦しめた鬼神 、温羅(うら)を退治した伝説が残り、昔話「桃太郎」の原型になったとされています。 伝説では、鬼ノ城は温羅の居城とされ、吉備津神社や吉備津彦神社のある「吉備の中山」に陣を構える吉備津彦命と、弓矢などで戦いました。 標高約400mのこの城は7世紀後半に築かれ、山頂の平坦地を石垣や土を突き固めた土塁が約2.8kmに渡って囲んでいました。築城当時は、南方面に海が広がっていたと考えられ、遠くに船が行き交う様子を見ることができたと思われます。近隣には、温羅が生費(いけにえ)を茹でたといわれる鬼の釜など、伝説ゆかりの地が多くあります。

There is a legend in the Kibi area that tells of how a prince of ancient Japan named Kibitsuhiko-no-Mikoto vanquished an ogre god (also known as Ura) who tormented the people. This legend is thought to be the model for the famous Japanese fairytale Momotaro.

In the legend, Kinojo Castle was Ura’s residence; it is said that he used weapons such as a bow and arrows to fight Kibitsuhiko-no-Mikoto, who stood on Kibi no Nakayama mountain 10 km southeast of Kinojo Castle. This castle stands around 400 m above sea level and was constructed in the second half of the seventh century. Stone walls and earthworks with tamped-down soil surrounded the flat area at the top on the mountain, stretching across a distance of around 2.8 km. You can see sweeping views from the peak, and the sea once extended to the south.

Ki castle – Wikipedia

Ki castle (鬼ノ城, Ki no jō) was an ancient kōgoishi type castle (also known as a Korean-style fortresses in Japan (朝鮮式山城, Chōsen-shiki yamajiro) located in the city of Sōja, Okayama Prefecture, Japan. Its ruins have been protected as a National Historic Site since 1986. Portions of the castle were reconstructed in the early 2000s.

The castle’s name literally means “demon castle” (ki is another reading for the character for oni); according to a traditional fable, a demon named Onra or Ura once ruled Kibi Province from the castle. The castle is the basis of the myth that is associated with the folklore hero, Momotarō. The legendary story of Kibitsuhiko-no-mikoto and Ura explains that the Prince Ura of Kudara used to live in Ki-no-jo (castle of the devil) and was a cause of trouble for the people living in the village. The emperor’s government sent Kibitsuhiko-no-mikoto (Momotarō) to defeat Ura.However, “Ki means “castle in the ancient language of Baekje, and was later simply assigned the kanji character for “demon. “Ki-no-jō” is a name that combines the two words for “castle”.

After the defeat of the combined Baekje and Yamato Japan forces, at the hands of the Silla and Tang China alliance at the Battle of Hakusukinoe in 663, the Yamato court feared an invasion from either or both Tang or Silla. In response, Emperor Tenji ordered the construction of a huge network of shore fortifications throughout the rest of the 600s, often with the assistance of Baekje engineers, generals and artisans. Unaware of the outbreak of the Silla-Tang War (670–676), the Japanese would continue to build fortifications until 701, after finding out that Silla was no longer friendly with Tang. According to the Nihonshoki, twelve Korean-style mountain fortifications were built in western Japan at this time, and it is believed that Ki castle was one of them. The identification of particular sites with the fortresses constructed at this time remains a subject of debate, and most fortifications of this period are classified under the wider term kōgoishi (神籠石).




