商売繁盛の神様として親しまれている香川県高松市の東浜恵美須神社で「十日えびす」が開催されていたので行ってきました。御利益を求めて会社経営者や商店主などが多く訪れます。毎年1月9日〜11日に開催される例大祭。獅子舞、神楽、餅投げ、熊手の販売や露店。餅投げは、1/10 14:30〜。

I visited Toka Ebisu Shrine in Takahama, Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture, which is well-known as a god of business prosperity, where the Toka Ebisu festival was held. Many company owners and shopkeepers visit the shrine in search of good fortune. The annual festival is held from 9-11 January. Lion dances, Kagura (Shinto music and dance), mochi (rice cake) throwing, rake sales and stalls. Mochi throwing is from 14:30-10 Jan.

住所:香川県高松市城東町2-4-3 [Google Map]

住所:香川県高松市北浜町12-18 [Google Map]

Higashihama (East Beach) Ebisu Shrine
Address : 2-4-3 Joto-cho, Takamatsu city, Kagawa pref., Japan [Google Map]

Kitahama(North Beach) Ebisu Shrine
Address : 12-18 Kitahama-cho Takamatsu city, Kagawa pref., Japan [Google Map]


Higashihama Ebisu Shrine was founded in 1801. It is a branch shrine outside the precincts of Iwaseo Hachiman Shrine. Shrine deity on the northern seashore of Nohara-no Sho. The birthplace of the Port of Takamatsu is here at Higashihama Port. It thrived as a port of call on the Seto Inland Sea and has been popular as a god of commerce and prosperity. In the Meiji era (1868-1912), the Yaegaki brothel was opened.


The area where Takamatsu Port is located was once called Nohara-go, and by around the 11th century a port town was established here, which was busy with the arrival of imperial ships, merchant ships, fishing boats and Konpira ships.




‘Tohama Emisu Shrine’ was situated on Yawajima (around present-day Takamatsu Castle) before the Edo period. It was moved to its present location in Iguchi-machi when Takamatsu Castle was built, around 1800, at the northern end of the landfill. The names of companies and people active in the pre-war and post-war periods are inscribed on the shrine’s tamagaki. In the precincts of the shrine, a kaishi (stone) used by nakase (cargo handlers) for power competitions still remains.



Kitahama Ebisu Shrine is located on the opposite shore on the west side of Higashihama Harbour. The shrine enshrines a crown-shaped stone picked up from the seabed by Kitahama fishermen as its sacred body. Until around the Meiji era (1868-1912), the northern side of the shrine was right on the coast, and was later reclaimed 200 m to the north. Until the 1960s, a temporary bridge connected the Kitahama Ebisu Shrine and the Higashihama Emisu Shrine during the summer festival called ‘Oibessan’.

住所:香川県高松市城東町2-4-3 [Google Map]

住所:香川県高松市北浜町12-18 [Google Map]

Higashihama (East Beach) Ebisu Shrine
Address : 2-4-3 Joto-cho, Takamatsu city, Kagawa pref., Japan [Google Map]

Kitahama(North Beach) Ebisu Shrine
Address : 12-18 Kitahama-cho Takamatsu city, Kagawa pref., Japan [Google Map]

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<高松港の歴史 ⑫ 東濱恵美須神社>

<高松港の歴史 ⑬ 北濱恵美須神社>
北浜町に鎮座する北濱恵美須神社。北浜の漁師が海底から拾い上げた冠型の石がご神体です。この石を祀ることで大漁を祈願したことが、この神社のおこりとのことです。 明治時代まで、この神社の北側は海に面していました。その後北側の埋め立てが進み、北浜町は当神社より200m程北に拡がりました。 北濱恵美須神社では「おいべっさん」の愛称でもおなじみの夏祭りが毎年開催されます。 昭和30年代前半までは、夏祭りのときに、対岸の東濱恵美須神社(高松港の歴史⑫で紹介)との間に丸太などでつないだ臨時の橋(渡し)が架けられました(現在では行われていません。)。 祭りでは多数の提灯が飾られ、それが水面に映った情景は、とても美しかったそうです。