多度津町の名産のひとつが「白方ぶどう」です。1918年(大正7年)にこの白方地区でぶどうの苗木が栽培されはじめました。温暖な気候と水はけのよい傾斜地、雨が少なく日照量と適度な潮風という好条件によって、美味しいぶどうが育ちます。いまでは「白方ぶどう」のブランド名で西日本有数の産地となっています。観光ぶどう園もあり、収穫期には、ぶどう刈りの家族で賑わいます。(観光情報 | 多度津町


Shiro-kata district of Tadotsu town, Kagawa pref. is the grape production area of the Seto Inland Sea coast. I’ve taken a beautiful grape farm in golden color. “Shirakata grapes” is a specialty of Tadotsu town. Planting of grapes began to be cultivated in 1918 at Shirakata district. Shirakata district , mild climate , well-drained slopes , less rain , sufficient amount of sunlight and moderate sea breeze are favorable conditions for grapes. It has become famous brand “Shirakata grapes”. There is also a tourist vineyards , the harvest season , it is crowded with grape harvest of the family.

場所:香川県多度津町大字奥白方1407(白方小学校前) [Google Maps]

Tadotsu consolidating point
Place : 1407 Shirakata, Tadotsu town, Kagawa pref., Japan [Google Maps]
Tel : 0877-33-1381