世界で唯一『モネの庭』の名前を冠することを許された庭が、高知県北川村にあります。『マルモッタン モネの庭』は、印象派の巨匠クロード・モネ(Claude Monet)が43歳から生涯の半分を過ごした、フランスのジヴェルニー(Giverny)のモネの庭を再現した庭です。モネが「睡蓮」を描いたジヴェルニーの庭園(Le Jardin de l’artiste à Giverny)以外では、クロード・モネ財団(Fondation Claude Monet)から「モネの庭」を冠することを公式に認められている唯一の庭園です。ジヴェルニーに移り住んだモネは手紙の中で「私は歓喜に酔っている。ジヴェルニーは私にとって最高の場所だ」と語っています。モネは、理想の庭園を造り、数々の名作を生みました。

The only garden in the world allowed to bear the name ‘Monet’s Garden’ is located in Kitagawa Village, Kochi Prefecture. The Marmottan Monet Garden is a recreation of the Monet garden in Giverny, France, where the Impressionist master Claude Monet spent half of his life from the age of 43. Apart from Le Jardin de l’artiste à Giverny (Monet’s Garden of Giverny), where Monet painted ‘Waterlilies’, it is the only garden officially recognised by the Fondation Claude Monet to bear the title ‘Monet’s Garden’. After moving to Giverny, Monet wrote in a letter: ‘I am drunk with rapture. Giverny is the best place for me”. Monet created an ideal garden and produced a number of masterpieces.

時間:9:00~17:00(最終入園 16:30)
住所:高知県安芸郡北川村野友甲1100番地 [Google Map]

Monet’s Garden Marmottan in Kitagawa Village
Time : 9:00-17:00(-16:30)
Closed : 1st Wednesday of June – Octber
Fee : Adults 1,000 yen / Students 500 yen / Child Free
Address : 1100 Notomokou, Kitagawa village, Kochi pref., Japan [Google Map]

2021年4月撮影 – April 2021


Garden of Bordighera

時間:9:00~17:00(最終入園 16:30)
住所:高知県安芸郡北川村野友甲1100番地 [Google Map]

Monet’s Garden Marmottan in Kitagawa Village
Time : 9:00-17:00(-16:30)
Closed : 1st Wednesday of June – Octber
Fee : Adults 1,000 yen / Students 500 yen / Child Free
Address : 1100 Notomokou, Kitagawa village, Kochi pref., Japan [Google Map]

Monet’s Garden Marmottan in Kitagawa Village | 北川村「モネの庭」マルモッタン

All the way from France, Claude Monet’s only garden outside his home country has now been replicated in Kitagawa Village, Kochi, Japan. Impressionist artist Claude Monet devoted his heart and soul into planting attractive and exquisite plants and flowers. And he created many impressionistic style paintings, using his garden as a living canvas.

It is well-known that Claude Monet loved and treasured Japan’s ukiyo-e wood-block prints produced in the Edo period. Monet’ Garden in Kitagawa Village consists of three gardens of Flower Garden, Water Garden and Garden of Bordighera. Strolling Flower Garden and Water Garden makes you understand Monet’s deep interest in Japanese artworks and culture. Garden of Bordighera was created by the inspiration through the works painted by Monet fascinated by the lignt and colors at the Mediterranean.

The Flower Garden brings together a large selection of attractive and colorful flowers that creates an impression of an artist’s palette. The ambience of the flower garden changes throughout the seasons as do the flowers, capturing a new and vibrant atmosphere all year round. These flowers are arranged at varying heights, and are color coordinated to the changing of the four seasons, making them highly appealing to the eye.

Water Garden
The Water Garden is influenced by Monet’s fascination for Japanese gardens and collection of Japanese hand-prints mounted on woodblocks called ukiyo-e. The garden features a taiko bridge arched over a pond, Japanese wisteria trellis, willow tress, bamboo and a selection of water lilies. This is identical to the Japanese taiko bridge over a pond in a Japanese garden that he built in Giverny in 1883. The ponds give a sense of tranquility, when you view the reflections of the sunlight and garden plants on the water. Several replicas of Monet’s artworks surrounding the ponds and bridges can also be viewed freely. The most memorable artwork of Monet’s life, the water lilies (Les Nymphéas), is also featured in replica form around the ponds, a site not to be missed.

The period from July to October is a very special time, when you can view the lush blue water lilies, which cannot be viewed at the Monet’s Garden in France.

Garden of Bordighera
The Garden of Bordighera is based on Monet’s expedition to the Mediterranean Sea at the age of 43 with a fellow artist Renoir Pierre-Auguste. The aim of his expedition to the Mediterranean Sea was to create numerous artworks that capture the beautiful Mediterranean Sea and its surroundings. Utilizing the lush and diverse landscape of the Kitagawa area, palms trees, olive trees and other exotic flowers and plants were planted to give the impression of a Mediterranean style garden. You can enjoy viewing beautiful surrounding landscapes of mountains, forests and ocean from the site of the garden. This is an experience that can only be offered at Monet’s Garden in Kitagawa Village.

モネの庭とは | 北川村「モネの庭」マルモッタン


印象派の巨匠クロード・モネは、列車の窓から見たジヴェルニーの景色の美しさに心奪われ、43歳でフランス北部にあるジヴェルニーに移り住みました。そして、セーヌ渓谷の肥沃な土地に、理想の家と庭を作りあげました。 ジヴェルニーの庭は彼の創造の源泉となり、「睡蓮」などの多くの名作を生み出す舞台となりました。 北川村「モネの庭」マルモッタンは、この庭と家をクロード・モネ財団の指導を仰ぎながら、彼の精神と共に再現したものです。


