
The plant that heralds spring in Kochi, the Byca-auren (Lonicera baika), loved by botanist Dr Tomitaro Makino, is in flower. The Byca-auren is a member of the buttercup family that grows wild in the mountain forests of Honshu and Shikoku, and is characterised by its five leaves and white flowers of around 2 cm in diameter. At the Kochi Prefectural Makino Botanical Garden, they start to bloom around November, are at their best in mid-January and can be enjoyed until mid-February. In his childhood, Dr Tomitaro Makino was particularly fond of these flowers, which bloomed on the hill behind his birthplace in Sakawa village (now Sakawa town, Kochi prefecture). There is an anecdote that in his later years, a visitor from Kochi brought him a plant and rubbed it on his face in delight when he recognised the fragrance of his homeland.

学名:Coptis quinquefolia Miq.

住所:高知県高知市五台山4200-6 [Google Maps]

Makino Botanical Garden Top Page
Address : 4200-6 Godaisan, Kochi city, Kochi pref., Japan [Google Maps]


バイカオウレンは本州(福島県以南)・四国に分布し、低地~亜高山帯の林床や林縁に生育する多年草で、早春に梅の花に似た白い花を咲かせます。花びらのようにみえる白い部分は萼片(がくへん / sepal)で、黄色のコップ状の形をしたものが花びらです。

牧野富太郎博士が愛したバイカオウレン - Byca-auren flowers loved by Dr Tomitaro Makino.





バイカオウレンは本州(福島県以南)・四国に分布し、低地~亜高山帯の林床や林縁に生育する多年草で、早春に梅の花に似た白い花を咲かせます。花びらのようにみえる白い部分は萼片(がくへん / sepal)で、黄色のコップ状の形をしたものが花びらです。

牧野富太郎は1911年「植物学雑誌」において、バイカオウレンの中で根茎がつる状に伸びるものを変種とし、学名Coptis quinquefolia Makino と和名ツルゴカヨウオウレン、を発表しました。現在ツルゴカヨウオウレンはバイカオウレンに統一されていますが、こちらに展示している個体は、故野博士がツルゴカヨウオウレンとした特徴を示しています。開花期は12月~2月です。



住所:高知県高知市五台山4200-6 [Google Maps]

Makino Botanical Garden Top Page
Address : 4200-6 Godaisan, Kochi city, Kochi pref., Japan [Google Maps]

バイカオウレン – Wikipedia

バイカオウレン(梅花黄蓮、学名:Coptis quinquefolia)はキンポウゲ科オウレン属の多年草。別名、ゴカヨウオウレン(五加葉黄蓮)。




Makino Botanical Garden Top Page

Makino Botanical Garden – an overview

Opened to the public in April 1958, the Makino Botanical Garden honors the remarkable achievements of local botanist Tomitaro Makino. Characterized by slopes and dells with over 3,000 species of plants on display – many discovered or named by Dr. Makino himself – the 8 hectares of gardens offer color and interest throughout the year. In 1999, the grounds were significantly enlarged and the Museum of Plants and People was inaugurated, strengthening the Garden’s role in education. At the same time, Professor Dr. Tetsuo Koyama (former senior curator and director of Asian botany at the New York Botanical Garden and past-pupil of Dr. Makino) joined the staff as Director, and the Garden has since raised its international status. The Makino Botanical Garden was recognized as a statutory research institute by the Ministry of Education, Culture and Science in 2003. It increased its research portfolio by establishing bilateral agreements with institutions in Myanmar, the Solomon Islands, Thailand, China, USA, and Canada to undertake scientific research overseas and build on its knowledge of economic plants, amongst others. Makino Botanical Garden features not only beautiful gardens, but also great views of Kochi city, a carefully maintained greenhouse, educational exhibitions, and remarkable research facilities available to academic institutions.

Dr. Tomitaro Makino (1862~1957)
Tomitaro Makino was born in Sakawa, a rural village west of Kochi City, on the 24th of April in 1862. His curiosity in plant life soon developed into a devotion to botanical research. At the age of 22 he moved to the capital to pursue his interest at Tokyo University. Three years later he launched the Botanical Magazine Tokyo, an esteemed journal still published today. An avid field botanist, Makino collected some 400,000 botanical specimens and named over 1,500 new species and subspecies of plants during his life. In 1940, after his term as lecturer at Tokyo University ended, he published his Illustrated Flora of Japan, a reference work that remains indispensable to professional botanists and enthusiasts today. Travelling widely throughout Japan for his work, Makino became well known as much for his bright personality and his ability to communicate the wonder of the plant kingdom, as for his knowledge of the flora itself. In 1953, he was made an Honorary Citizen of Tokyo, and in 1957 he was posthumously awarded the Order of Culture.