Kannonji Temple is the 69th temple of the 88 sacred places in Shikoku. It is a temple of the Daikakuji sect of Shingon Buddhism, located in Kannonji City, Kagawa Pref., Japan. I was overwhelmed by the detailed carvings in the bell tower hall on the temple grounds.
七宝山(しっぽうざん) 観音寺(かんおんじ)の鐘楼(しょうろう)
住所:香川県観音寺市八幡町1-2-7 [Google Map]
Bell tower of Shippozan Kannonji temple
住所:香川県観音寺市八幡町1-2-7 [Google Map]
七宝山(しっぽうざん) 観音寺(かんおんじ)の鐘楼(しょうろう)
住所:香川県観音寺市八幡町1-2-7 [Google Map]
Bell tower of Shippozan Kannonji temple
住所:香川県観音寺市八幡町1-2-7 [Google Map]
Shippozan Kannonji – Shikoku 88 Temple Pilgrimage
【Pilgrim’s Song】 If the Kannon’s grief is strong, I’ll pull up my sins
In the main hall, “Changzhou Shimozumasho … Sadaka 3rd year …” (Northern and North Korean eras) is written and is considered to be a valuable pilgrimage material.
A Japanese picture depicting the origin of the Koto Hachimangu Shrine, built by Nisshō Shonin, and the state of the shrine near the summit in the center.
History and origin of Kannonji
It is mentioned in the previous section that Kannonji is located in the same precinct as the 68th and Jinnein temples, and the opening period, foundation time and origin are the same. However, the temple name when it was founded was called “Jinguji Hokkoin”. Since then, it has been traced from Engi to 100 years later. It is said that in the second year of the Daidō era (807), Kobo Daishi entered the mountain as the seventh priest of the temple when he delivered the statue of Amida Nyorai, the principle deity Buddha of Koto Hachiman. It was there that the Daishi built a seven structure temple in the style of Chukindo, Toganedo, and Saikondo, following the Kōfuku-ji Temple of Nara in the middle of the Koto Mountain. A carved statue of the sacred Kanzeon Bodhisattva, the principle deity, was enshrined in the Nakakindo. Furthermore, a pagoda was built in lapis lazuli, coral, and onyx, and others of the “seven treasures” (which are gold, pearls, silver onyx, coral, crystal, and lapis lazuli) were buried here. it is said that the temple name was changed to “Shippozan Kannonji” (Seven Treasure Mountain Kannonji) and designated as a sacred place.Emperor Kanmu (reigned 781–806) began his rule as the third-generation Emperor, and during the Muromachi period, the son of Ashikaga Takashi, served as the chief priest for 45 years. Temple fortune grew and was prosperous. However, the main Buddha was moved by the Meiji new government’s Shinto-Buddha separation order, and it became a second sacred place within the grounds and there were now two sacred sites within one precinct. The main hall, also called the Kondo, was made with Muromachi period architecture and is an important cultural property designated by the country. The vermilion pillars are colorful. There is a treasure museum on the grounds, including the “Buddha Nirvana Statue” (inside a miniature shrise, Heian-Kamakura period), which is rare as a sculpture, and “Kindan Miyae Engi” (colored, Kamakura period), “Fudo Nijido” In addition to the statue (colored on silk, Muromachi period). In addition there are many important national cultural properties such as the Buddha statues mentioned above and are collected.
正式:七宝山 観音寺
文化財:本堂、木造涅槃仏像ほか(国の重要文化財)、木造大日如来坐像(伝・聖観音)・薬師如来坐像・釈迦如来坐像・絹本著色両界曼荼羅図(県文化財)伝承によれば、大宝年間(701年 – 704年)に、法相宗の日証が琴弾山で修行をしていたところ、琴を弾く老人が乗る舟を海上に見た。この老人が八幡大明神であることを知った上人は、その琴と舟を祀り琴弾八幡宮と名付けた。その神宮寺として当寺は建立され神宮寺宝光院と称していた。
寺伝によれば、行基が養老6年(722年)に訪れた後、大同2年 (807)空海(弘法大師)が第7世住職として入山し、奈良の興福寺を模して、中金堂(ちゅうこんどう)に聖観世音菩薩像を刻み本尊とし、丈六の薬師如来を納めた西金堂(さいこんどう)や弥勒菩薩を納めた東金堂(とうこんどう)など七堂伽藍を整備し、さらに、この地に仏塔を建てて瑠璃・珊瑚・瑪瑙などの七宝を埋め地鎮したことから、名称も七宝山観音寺と改めたという。その後、院号は神恵院に改められている。 そして、桓武天皇はじめ三代の天皇の勅願所となり、室町時代には足利尊氏の子・道尊大政大僧正が45年間住職を務めるなど隆盛を誇った。