『プレトナ(Pletna)』と呼ばれる手漕ぎのボートに乗って、スロベニア🇸🇮の氷河湖 ブレッド湖の島へ。18世紀にハプスブルク家の女帝、マリアテリジアが貧しかったこの地域の住人23世帯に舟の運営独占権を与え、それ以降、代々受け継がれ現在に至ります。ちなみにプレトナという名前は、当時は船の屋根が手編みだったため、現地の言葉で『編む』ことを意味する『pletene(プレテネ)』に由来します。

Address : Presernova cesta 23, 4260 Bled, Slovenia [Google Map]


Lake Bled – Wikipedia

Lake Bled (Slovene: Blejsko jezero; German: Bleder See, Veldeser See) is a lake in the Julian Alps of the Upper Carniolan region of northwestern Slovenia, where it adjoins the town of Bled. The area is a tourist destination. The lake is 35 km (22 mi) from Ljubljana International Airport and 55 km (34 mi) from the capital city, Ljubljana. Lake Bled is 4.2 km (2.6 mi) from Lesce-Bled train station.

Geography and history
The lake is of mixed glacial and tectonic origin. It is 2,120 m (6,960 ft) long and 1,380 m (4,530 ft) wide, with a maximum depth of 29.5 m (97 ft), and it has a small island. The lake lies in a picturesque environment, surrounded by mountains and forests. Medieval Bled Castle stands above the lake on the north shore and has a museum.[1] The Zaka Valley lies at the west end of the lake.

The World Rowing Championships in 1966, 1979, 1989, and 2011 were held at Lake Bled.

Bled Island
The lake surrounds Bled Island (Blejski otok). The island has several buildings, the main one being the pilgrimage church dedicated to the Assumption of Mary (Cerkev Marijinega vnebovzetja), built in its current form near the end of the 17th century, and decorated with remains of Gothic frescos from around 1470 in the presbyterium and rich Baroque equipment.

The church has a 52 m (171 ft) tower and there is a Baroque stairway dating from 1655 with 99 stone steps leading up to the building. The church is frequently visited and weddings are held there regularly. Traditionally it is considered good luck for the groom to carry his bride up the steps on the day of their wedding before ringing the bell and making a wish inside the church.

The traditional transportation to Bled Island is a wooden boat known as a pletna. The word pletna is a borrowing from Bavarian German Plätten ‘flat-bottomed boat’. Some sources claim the pletna was used in Lake Bled as early as 1150 AD, but most historians date the first boats to 1590 AD. Similar in shape to Italian gondolas, a pletna seats 20 passengers. Modern boats are still made by hand and are recognizable by their colorful awnings. Pletna oarsman employ the stehrudder technique to propel and navigate boats across the lake using two oars. The role of the oarsman dates back to 1740, when Empress Maria Theresa granted 22 local families exclusive rights to ferry religious pilgrims across Lake Bled to worship on Bled Island. The profession is still restricted. Many modern oarsman descend directly from the original 22 families.

ブレッド湖 – Wikipedia

ブレッド湖(ブレッドこ、スロベニア語: Blejsko jezero, ドイツ語: Veldeser See)はスロベニア北西部ユリアン・アルプスに位置する氷河湖で、ブレッドに隣接する。リュブリャナ空港から55km、首都リュブリャナからは35kmの場所に位置する。この地域一帯はスロベニアを代表する観光地である。

ブレッド湖は長さ2,120m、幅1,380mで最も深い箇所で30.6mある。ブレッド湖周辺は風光明媚な環境で、山並や城の景色が広がる。湖北岸には中世のブレッド城(スロベニア語版)があり、湖にはブレッド島が浮かぶ。この島はスロベニアでは唯一の自然の島であり、いくつかある建物のうちメインとなるのは、聖マリア教会(Cerkev Marijinega vnebovzetja, 聖母被昇天教会)で15世紀に建てられた。52mの塔と99段の階段がある。また、教会では定期的に結婚式も行われている。
