木桶による発酵文化サミット in 東京 2024 | D&DEPARTMENT


場所:渋谷ヒカリエ 8/COURT [Google Maps]








Shodoshima island has been home for centuries to a flourishing shoyu (soy sauce) making trade, with many shoyu makers still using traditional wooden barrels as they engage in a subtle dialogue with the microorganisms that inhabit the earthen-walled storehouses to create a deliciously fermented brew.

I visited Yamaroku Shoyu in my first year here. I was amazed by the incredible flavor of the shoyu made by the powerful shoyu artisans and at how they were determined to engage with something, even though the microorganisms at work are invisible to us.

場所:香川県小豆郡小豆島町安田甲1607 [Google Maps]

Yamaroku soy sauce
Place : 1607 Yasuda, Shodoshima island, Kagawa pref., Japan [Google Maps]
Tel : 0879-82-0666



Shodoshima, shoyu island. The rich fragrance of shoyu pervades the town, and the wooden pillars and joists of the storehouses are inhabited by the microorganisms that make the shoyu. The scientific mechanism of how the microorganisms actually work to create such flavorful shoyu is apparently still not clearly understood, or as an artisan told us, “For some reason, it makes good shoyu.”


As to why this island kept using the cedar barrels that are unparalleled for natural fermentation even though shoyu storehouses all over Japan changed from using wooden barrels to stainless steel tanks after the war, the artisan told us, “It’s just because they couldn’t afford to buy tanks,” but I think the people of Shodoshima knew somehow that shoyu made with care in cedar barrels was more delicious. It may be the aroma of shoyu from generations past that wafts across this island even today.

創業およそ150年、小豆島のヤマロク醤油 五代目の

When talking with Yasuo Yamamoto, a fifth generation soy sauce brewer whose family established Yamaroku Soy Sauce company around 150 years ago on the small island of Shodoshima, it is surprising how the conversation spans over twenty years or even one hundred years to include not only the specifics of his soy sauce trade but also things about his home island and about Japan.


“If the craftsmen who are able to make these wooden barrels completely disappear, then by the time we reach my children or my grandchildren’s generation, when these wooden barrels are no longer any good, they will not be able to make soy sauce.” This will be a problem not just for soy sauce, but also for the basic flavoring ingredients of Japanese cuisine such as vinegar, mirin, miso, and sake, all of which are brewed and fermented. That means these ingredients could only be made in metal tanks, so the preservation of wooden barrels is connected to the protection of Japan’s food culture.


Mr Yamamoto has accompanied one of his island’s most skilled carpenters to study with a unique craftsman in Osaka who specializes in the making of wooden barrels, in order to learn his techniques so that they can continue to prepare soy sauce in wooden barrels of their own making.


It takes four years to make each batch of soy sauce, from the first preparation to the finished product. Mr. Yamamoto’s viewpoint may arise from his daily life as a brewer of soy sauce so that, perhaps like a city-planner, he thinks in terms of decades and even centuries.


場所:香川県小豆郡小豆島町安田甲1607 [Google Maps]
電話:0879-82-0666 FAX:0879-82-1293

Yamaroku soy sauce

Place : 1607 Yasuda, Shodoshima island, Kagawa pref., Japan [Google Maps]
Tel : 0879-82-0666

augment5 Inc. – More than the Truth – Kioke Soy Sauce

参考:四国びとの素(もと) PDF – 四国経済産業局

動画 Movie

ヤマロク 鶴醬 500ml
ヤマロク 鶴醬 500ml

posted with amazlet at 15.01.13
売り上げランキング: 323
ヤマロク 菊醤 500ml
ヤマロク 菊醤 500ml

posted with amazlet at 15.01.13
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