慶応義塾大学SFC 坂茂研究室のプロジェクトで、大学敷地内に仮説スタジオを建設しました。

3D Computer Graphic (Shigeru Ban Design Office)

慶應義塾大学 坂茂研究室 仮設スタジオ 施工/写真
Keio University Shigeru Ban Laboratory
makeshift studio construction/photograph

Paper Studio
Practical construction workshop to build students’ studio in Keio University
Construction work with students, one of the five construction managers

Place: Fujisawa City, Kanagawa, Japan
Contribution: Construction work with students, one of the five construction managers, Design of Green wall
Dates: April 2002-April 2003
Completion Date: April 2003
Direction: Prof. Shigeru Ban, Keio University


There are many classes and laboratories of architecture and design in Shonan Fujisawa Campus of Keio University. In spite of that, there was no atelier for such activities so far. Therefore, the student volunteers built the temporary atelier. They used paper tubes which Professor Shigeru Ban had been researched and developed as materials of architecture for years.