
また、平和記念公園、南側にはイサム・ノグチさん設計の「平和大橋」「西平和大橋」。平和記念公園広島国際会議場 サンシャインガーデンには、流政之(ながれまさゆき)さんの彫刻「NEKINI KINSAI」があります。

A 10.72 hectare urban planning park in Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture, close to the hypocentre of the atomic bomb dropped by the US military on 6 August 1945.In 1949, a park design competition was held and the proposal by Kenzo Tange’s team (Takashi Asada, Yukio Otani and Tokukuni Kimura) was selected from approximately 140 entries. The design proposal, which connected the memorial hall, plaza, cenotaph and A-bomb Dome with a single axis line of peace, was highly evaluated and adopted. The design gives a sense of the ‘order of the environment created by the arrangement of the buildings rather than the individual buildings’ as seen in Japanese temples and shrines.

Also in Peace Memorial Park, on the south side, the Peace Bridge and West Peace Bridge, designed by Isamu Noguchi. In Peace Memorial Park, Hiroshima International Conference Centre, Sunshine Garden, there is Masayuki Nagare’s sculpture “NEKINI KINSAI”.

住所:広島県広島市中区中島町1-1-10 [Google Map]

Peace Memorial Park
Address : 1-1-10 Nakajimacho, Naka-ku, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture
Opened : 1 April 1954
Architecture and technology : Kenzo Tange, Takashi Asada, Yukio Otani, Tokukuni Kimura / Isamu Noguchi
Design and management : Hiroshima City (Landscape design)






参考:平和の大切さ、英語でガイド 小学生がボランティア―広島:時事ドットコム

原爆死没者慰霊碑(広島平和都市記念碑)。丹下健三さん設計。「安らかに眠って下さい 過ちは繰返しませぬから」雑賀忠義(さいかただよし)さん


流政之『NEKINI KINSAI』平和記念公園広島国際会議場サンシャインガーデン。

壁画。『友愛の船出』藤原 雄さん


西平和大橋の欄干。彫刻家 イサム・ノグチさん設計の「ゆく」。1952年(昭和27年)3月完成。イサム・ノグチさん「出離の理念、すなわち「人生よさらば」広島がその記念となった悲劇の経験よさらばということを伝えるべきものと考えます。」




Axis line of peace. One axis line exists in the north-south direction in Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park. Kenzo Tange (1913-2005), the architect who designed the park, “Peace is not given, it is created”. This vista, or “street view line”, is orthogonal to Peace Boulevard in the south of the park, where the main Peace Memorial Museum, the Cenotaph for the Atomic Bomb Victims and the Atomic Bomb Dome lie in a straight line. The Cenotaph overlooks the A-bomb Dome and is vaulted to allow the axis line to pass through to the main building of the museum.




国際会議場サンシャインガーデンにある流政之さんの彫刻『NEKINI KINSAI』。

1989 Masayuki Nagare

壁面の作品は、『友愛の船出』藤原 雄さん


設計は、チェコ人の建築家 ヤン・レッツェル(1915年竣工)。壁面レンガの製造元のひとつは、讃岐煉瓦(香川県観音寺市)。

Atomic Bomb Dome. The original building, Hiroshima Prefectural Products Exhibition Hall (Hiroshima Prefectural Industrial Promotion Hall), was inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List (cultural heritage) in 1996. Located approximately 200 m west of the hypocentre.

It was designed by Czech architect Jan Letzel (completed 1915). One of the manufacturers of the wall bricks was Sanuki Brick (Kanonji city, Kagawa pref.).

昭和初期の広島県立商品陳列所(広島市公文書館所蔵、左)と現在の原爆ドーム(右)。対岸のほぼ同じ場所より撮影。デジタルギャラリー(広島県物産陳列館から原爆ドームへ) – 広島市公式ホームページ|国際平和文化都市

“The Gates of Peace (Les Portes de la Paix)”

Hiroshima: Dropping The Bomb – Hiroshima – BBC

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park – Wikipedia

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park (Hiroshima Heiwa Kinen Kōen) is a memorial park in the center of Hiroshima, Japan. It is dedicated to the legacy of Hiroshima as the first city in the world to suffer a nuclear attack at the end of World War II, and to the memories of the bomb’s direct and indirect victims (of whom there may have been as many as 140,000). The Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park is visited by more than one million people each year. The park is there in memory of the victims of the nuclear attack on August 6, 1945, in which the United States dropped an atomic bomb on the Japanese city of Hiroshima. The Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park was planned and designed by the Japanese Architect Kenzō Tange at Tange Lab.

The location of Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park was once the city’s busiest downtown commercial and residential district. The park was built on an open field that was created by the explosion. Today there are a number of memorials and monuments, museums, and lecture halls, which draw over a million visitors annually. The annual 6 August Peace Memorial Ceremony, which is sponsored by the city of Hiroshima, is also held in the park. The purpose of the Peace Memorial Park is not only to memorialize the victims of the bombing, but also to perpetuate the memory of nuclear horrors and advocate world peace.

Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum

The Hiroshima Peace Memorial Museum collects and displays belongings left by the victims, photos, and other materials that convey the horror of that event, supplemented by exhibits that describe Hiroshima before and after the bombing and others that present the current status of the nuclear age.

広島平和記念公園 – Wikipedia


平和記念公園について – 広島市の公園・緑地|広島市|国際平和文化都市
