
もともとはアントニ・ガウディの設計した分譲住宅で、1900年から1914年の間に建造された。広場、道路などのインフラが作られ60軒が計画されていたが買い手がつかず、結局売れたのは2軒で、買い手はガウディ本人と発注者のエウセビオ・グエル伯爵だけであったという。グエル伯爵の没後に工事は中断し、市の公園として寄付される。 現在はガウディが一時住んだこともある家がガウディ記念館として公開されている。中にはガウディがデザインした家具なども集められて展示されている。

The park was originally part of a commercially unsuccessful housing site, the idea of Count Eusebi Güell, whom the park was named after. It was inspired by the English garden city movement; hence the original English name Park. The site was a rocky hill with little vegetation and few trees, called Montaña Pelada (Bare Mountain). It already included a large country house called Larrard House or Muntaner de Dalt House, and was next to a neighborhood of upper class houses called La Salud. The intention was to exploit the fresh air (well away from smoky factories) and beautiful views from the site, with sixty triangular lots being provided for luxury houses. Count Eusebi Güell added to the prestige of the development by moving in 1906 to live in Larrard House. In the event only two houses were built, neither designed by Gaudi. One was intended to be a show house, but on being completed in 1904 was put up for sale,and as no buyers came forward. Gaudi, at Güell’s suggestion,bought it with his savings and moved in with his family and his father in 1906.

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