
Ōasahiko Shrine is a Shinto shrine located at the base of Mt. Ōasa in Naruto city, Tokushima pref., Japan. The kami enshrined there are Ōasahiko-no-Okami and Sarutahiko-no-Okami.

阿波國一之宮 大麻比古神社
住所:徳島県鳴門市大麻町板東広塚13 [GoogleMap]

Ōasahiko Shrine
Address : 13 Hirozuka, Bando, Ooasa town, Naruto city, Tokushima pref., Japan [GoogleMap]


Marking the start of an 800-meter-long (2,625 ft) road leading directly to the shrine’s haiden is a large, orange torii. By using reinforced concrete and steel, this torii was first constructed in 1958 and had a height of 15.6 metres (51 ft) and a width of 11 metres (36 ft). Because of its deteriorated state, it was reconstructed in 2002 using metal tubing. The access road which follows is lined with dozens of stone tōrō donated by shrine parishioners in 2004-05.



In the center of the shrine grounds is a 1000-year-old camphor tree known as Go-shinboku. This revered tree’s main trunk has a circumference of 8.3 metres (27 ft) and a maximum height of 22 metres (72 ft).








German Bridge

At the time of the First World War. 953 German soldiers captured in Qingdao, Chine. In Bando there was a prison camp of German soldiers. The soldiers were living a free captive life from 1917 and 1919. In order to thank for that free life, They made use of German civil engineering technology and build ten bridges. A wooden bridge is 6. A stone bridge is 4. To the present there is only a stone bridge called the German Bridge. The outline of the German Bridge is 9 meters long. Width 2.1 meters. Height 3.2m. Weighs 195 tons. Material is sandstone, called Muya stone. Historic site of Tokushima prefecture in January 2002. It is called a bridge of friendship between Japan and Germany.

Behind the main portion of the shrine grounds to the northeast is the German Bridge. From April 1917 to December 1919, about 953 German and Austro-Hungarian soldiers were imprisoned at the nearby Bandō Prisoner of War camp during World War I. This stone bridge was built by these POWs who were held captive at the camp.



阿波國一之宮 大麻比古神社
住所:徳島県鳴門市大麻町板東広塚13 [GoogleMap]

Ōasahiko Shrine
Address : 13 Hirozuka, Bando, Ooasa town, Naruto city, Tokushima pref., Japan [GoogleMap]

Ōasahiko Shrine – Wikipedia

Ōasahiko Shrine is a Shinto shrine located at the base of Mt. Ōasa in Naruto, Tokushima, Japan. The kami enshrined there are Ōasahiko-no-Okami and Sarutahiko-no-Okami.

It is believed that in the era of Emperor Jimmu, Ame-no-Tomi-no-Mikoto came to the Awa region (an ancient region that encompassed most of present-day Tokushima Prefecture) seeking fertilized land to sow hemp seeds. The planted seeds were then cultivated by the area’s population so they could produce linen called asa, which formed the base of the area’s industry. Because of the impact he had on furthering the welfare of Japan, Ōasahiko Shrine was dedicated in the area to worship him as a kami named Oasahiko-no-Okami.

The secondary kami enshrined at Ōasahiko is Sarutahiko-no-Okami. He is depicted as standing at the junction of heaven and earth to guide the grandchildren of Amaterasu, the Imperial Family and the founders of the human race to earth. He is primarily known for greeting and guiding Ninigi-no-Mikoto, grandson of Amaterasu, to earth. After his various achievements, he was enshrined at Ōasahiko Shrine along with Oasahiko-no-Okami.


The exact year of the foundation of Ōasahiko Shrine is unknown. The earliest documentation of the shrine, however, is found in the Engishiki, written in 927. The book, a compendium of governmental rules and procedures, lists the shrine in its list of 2,861 shrines that received offerings from the court at the annual spring festival, Kinensai.

Since the shrine’s listing in the Engishiki, it became a principal area for worship for both the Tokushima area and Awaji Island. Ōasahiko continued to improve its shrine rating until it was awarded the 1st grade in 1719. In 1873, it achieved the ranked of Kokuhei Chūsha, a mid-sized shrine supported by the provincial government. As such, in 1890 all of the shrine’s facilities were rebuilt and others were added, all paid for by the local government. Later, the current honden, haiden and the gaihaiden were rebuilt from the donations of worshipers. Since then, Ōasahiko Shrine has lost most of its national importance, but remains today as an important place of worship in the Tokushima area.

阿波國一の宮 大麻比古神社

神武天皇の御代、天太玉命の御孫 天富命 勅命を奉じて 洽く肥沃の地を求め 阿波国に到りまして、麻楮の種を播殖し、麻布木綿を製して 殖産興業の基を開き 国利民福を進め給ひ、その守護神として、太祖天太玉命を此の地に斎き祀る。


Q : 御祭神(ごさいじん)はどのような神様ですか?

A : 大麻比古大神とは、大昔阿波国を開拓した阿波の忌部氏(いんべし)の大祖先の神様です。
その氏族は今の吉野川市 元の麻植郡を拠点として開拓をされましたが国土開発の事業が漸く成った後に御先祖の神様 天日鷲命(あめのひわしのみこと)をおまつりしました。この神社が今徳島市に忌部神社としてまつられており、この神様の御神徳をたたえて麻植の神と申して敬ってきました。



Q : 大麻比古神社はいつ頃からこの地にまつられているのでしょうか?

A : はっきりした年月はわかっていません。ただ、平安時代初期に編纂された延喜式(えんぎしき)の神名帳に記載されている神社3132座の中で阿波国50座の内の大社として大麻比古神社の名が残っています。