
A UNESCO committee has decided to register a group of ancient burial mounds in Osaka pref., Japan as a World Cultural Heritage site. The Mozu-Furuichi Tumulus Clusters which span the cities of Sakai, Habikino and Fujiidera, consist of 49 mounds built between the late 4th and 5th centuries. Among them is a keyhole-shaped tomb, which the Imperial Household Agency considers to be the mausoleum of Emperor Nintoku.

住所:大阪府堺市北区百舌鳥西之町2-3-357-1 [GoogleMap]
住所:大阪府羽曳野市誉田 [GoogleMap]

The Mozu-Furuichi Tumulus Clusters
Address : 2-3-357-1 Nishino town, Mozu, Sakai city, Osaka, Japan [GoogleMap]
Address : Konda, Habikino, Osaka, Japan [GoogleMap]
Age of construction : late 4th – 5th century

2007年07月27日撮影 (国土地理院)



2007年08月11日撮影(国土地理院)。古市古墳群。誉田御廟山(こんだごびょうやま)古墳(応神天皇 恵我藻伏岡陵)。
Mausoleum of Emperor Ojin


Mozu tombs – Wikipedia

Mozu kofungun is a group of kofun or tumuli in Sakai, Osaka Prefecture, Japan. Originally consisting of more than 100 tombs, less than 50% of the key-hole, round and rectangular tombs remain.

In 2010 the Mozu kofungun cluster of tumuli, along with those of Furuichi kofungun, was proposed by the Permanent Delegation of Japan to UNESCO State, Province or Region: Ōsaka Prefecture for inscription on the UNESCO World Heritage List as a cultural property under Criteria: (ii), (iii) and (iv), and approval is pending. On 6 July 2019, Mozu-Furuichi Kofun Group was inscribed as a UNESCO World Heritage Site under Criteria: (iii), (iv).

The Mozu Kofungun is located in Sakai city in southern Osaka Prefecture, on terraced land overlooking Osaka Bay. The Furuichi kofungun is located in nearby Habikino and Fujiidera cities.

In the Japanese archipelago, there are tumulis (kofuns), which are mounds of earth and stones erected over graves of the ruling class. More than 20,000 were built as monuments between the later part of the 3rd century and the 6th century. It was the peak period of building such mounds. They represent a cultural tradition which is an expression of “forms, and design of the kofun” of the sociopolitical hierarchical order and the link that was prevalent during that period between regions. This period is termed as the Kofun Period. The most proniment imperial masoleum in this cluster of tumulus are of emperor Nintoku and emperor Richu.

「百舌鳥・古市古墳群」世界文化遺産に登録決定 – NHK








住所:大阪府堺市北区百舌鳥西之町2-3-357-1 [GoogleMap]

The Mozu-Furuichi Tumulus Clusters
Address : 2-3-357-1 Nishino town, Mozu, Sakai city, Osaka pref., Japan [GoogleMap]

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