彫刻家イサム・ノグチさんの遺作『タイム・アンド・スペース(TIME AND SPACE / 1989)』。36年ぶりに綺麗になったと伺って高松空港に行ってきました!比較すると石の表情が明るくはっきり見えるようになりましたね!綺麗にしてくれた皆さまありがとうございます✨

Sculptor Isamu Noguchi’s last work, TIME AND SPACE(1989) I went to Takamatsu Airport after hearing that it had been cleaned up for the first time in 36 years! The stones look brighter and clearer in comparison! Thank you to everyone who cleaned it up.

彫刻家イサム・ノグチさん(1904年11月17日〜1988年12月30日)の遺作『タイム・アンド・スペース(TIME AND SPACE)』。高松空港の入口で出迎えてくれる石積みの作品で古墳やピラミッドを思わせる造形です。「香川の風土、石、技術をすべて盛り込んだ」と、イサム・ノグチさんの彫刻制作を20年以上にわたって支えた和泉正敏(いずみ・まさとし / 1938年〜2021)さん。『TIME AND SPACE』(1989)、北海道の大通公園にある『ブラックスライドマントラ』(1992)と『モエレ沼公園』(2005)。これら3つの作品はイサム・ノグチさんが亡くなられた後、和泉さんがイサム・ノグチの意思を受け継ぎ完成させた作品です。

1988年 高松空港に作品制作の話があり、11月17日の誕生日に模型が完成。
1988年 12月30日、心不全によりニューヨーク大学病院で84歳の生涯を閉じた。
1989年 高松空港が竣工し、TIME AND SPACEが完成。
1999年 香川県高松市牟礼町にイサム・ノグチ庭園美術館がオープン。イサム・ノグチ日本財団理事長に和泉正敏さん。

This is Time and Space, the last work of the sculptor Mr. Isamu Noguchi (17 November 1904 – 30 December 1988). This masonry work, which greets you at the entrance to Takamatsu Airport, is reminiscent of a burial mound or pyramid. I incorporated all of Kagawa’s climate, stone and techniques,” said Mr. Masatoshi Izumi, who has worked with Isamu Noguchi for more than 20 years. Time and Space (1989), Black Slide Mantra (1992) and Moerenuma Park (2005) in Odori Park, Hokkaido. These three works were completed by Izumi after Isamu Noguchi’s death, following Isamu Noguchi’s will.

1988 Takamatsu Airport was approached to create a work of art and the model was completed on his birthday, 17 November.
1989 Takamatsu Airport opened and TIME AND SPACE was completed.
1999 The Isamu Noguchi Garden Museum opens in Mure town, Takamatsu city, Kagawa pref. Masatoshi Izumi became President of the Isamu Noguchi Japan Foundation.

住所:香川県高松市香南町由佐 [Google Map]

Address : Yusa, Konancho town, Takamatsu city, Kagawa pref., Japan [Google Map]
Tel : 087-814-3355(Takamatsu Airport
Cars : Car park of airport


彫刻家イサム・ノグチさんの遺作『タイム・アンド・スペース(TIME AND SPACE / 1989)』。36年ぶりに綺麗になったと伺って高松空港に行ってきました!比較すると石の表情が明るくはっきり見えるようになりましたね!綺麗にしてくれた皆さまありがとうございます✨

Sculptor Isamu Noguchi’s last work, Time and Space (TIME AND SPACE / 1989) I went to Takamatsu Airport after hearing that it had been cleaned up for the first time in 36 years! The stones look brighter and clearer in comparison! Thank you to everyone who cleaned it up ✨.


住所:香川県高松市香南町由佐 [Google Map]

Address : Yusa, Konancho town, Takamatsu city, Kagawa pref., Japan [Google Map]
Tel : 087-814-3355(Takamatsu Airport
Cars : Car park of airport

Time and Space, Takamatsu Airport Memorial

Takamatsu Airport, Yusa, Konan-cho, Takamatsu City, Kagawa Prefecture, Japan
Open to Public

A work that Noguchi conceived as a plaster study model just before his death, Time and Space was intended for the regional airport of Kagawa Prefecture’s capital, Takamatsu City, close to Noguchi’s studio in Mure. It was completed by Noguchi’s longtime assistant and friend, master stonecarver Masatoshi Izumi, who put his considerable knowledge of stone wall-building into the final form, which was similar in construction to walls at Noguchi’s studio. More than the merging of elemental architectural forms—it comprises a burial mound and a stylized pyramid—Izumi characterized the work as incorporating “the entirety of all Kagawa, its climate, stone, and technique.” (Masatoshi Izumi, “Working with the Local Climate in Mind,” in Isamu Noguchi, Human Aspects as a Contemporary: 54 Witnesses in Japan and America, Kagawa: The Shikoku Shimbun, 2002, 114.)


Time and Space, Towering Work of Art – ANA

Kagawa has a culture of art and home for some of the world’s finest works of art. It is also home for International artist and masterpieces that have sent ripples throughout Japanese art world.

Isamu Noguchi, one of the twentieth century’s most important sculptors, opened a studio at Mure City, Takamatsu, where a high quality of granite production center in 1969 and pushed production when going back from New York for the next 20 years. “Time and Space” at Takamatsu Airport has a feeling for Isamu Noguchi’s journey.

It was produced together with a rock wall located at northern Airport.





イサム・ノグチ – Wikipedia


