
チームラボ 栗林公園 光の祭 | teamLab / チームラボ

teamLab: Digitized Ritsurin Garden Early Closure and Ticket Refund (Charge Cancellation) Information
To help stop the spread of the novel coronavirus inside and outside of Japan, the exhibition will finish its term early on March 1, 2020. Visitors will not be permitted to enter March 2, 2020 and onward.These measures are taken to ensure the safety of visitors and staff. We thank you for your understanding.

香川県高松市の特別名勝・栗林公園(りつりんこうえん)にて「チームラボ 栗林公園 光の祭」が開催されます。一歩一景といわれる変化に富む美しい大名庭園が、インタラクティブな光のアート空間に変わります。前売券販売中。

Photo report is below
teamLab turns the nighttime Ritsurin Garden into an interactive art space. “teamLab: Digitized Ritsurin Garden” opens until March 8th. Early Bird Tickets are available now.

チームラボ 栗林公園 光の祭
日程:2020年1月25日(土)〜3月1日 8日(日)
場所:栗林公園 (香川県高松市栗林町1-20-16) [Google Map]
時間:18:30〜21:30 (最終入園 21:00)

teamLab: Digitized Ritsurin Garden
Date : Jan 25th – Mar 1st 08th, 2020
Place : Ritsurin Garden (10-20-16 Ritsurin town, Takamatsu, Kagawa) [Google Map]
Time : 18:30-21:30
Closed : Every Wednesday
Admission : Early Bird Ticket
 Early Bird Ticket : Adults 1,300yen / Elementary, Junior High and High School Students 400yen / Preschool Children Free
 Same Day Ticket : Adults 1,500yen / Elementary, Junior High and High School Students 500yen / Preschool Children Free

Ritsurin Garden is a seasonal (Japanese) garden created in the early Edo Period (17th century) and designated as a special place of scenic beauty. It is said that the landscaping began in the late 16th century, and since the 1630s, a series of expansions and renovations over the course of over 100 years led to its completion in 1745.

The garden has been comprised of pine trees since the beginning, and these bonsai-like pine trees have been maintained for approximately 300 years.

teamLab’s art project Digitized Nature explores how nature can become art. The concept of the project is that non-material digital technology can turn nature into art without harming it.

Humans cannot recognize time longer than their own lifespans. In other words, there is a boundary in our understanding of the long continuity of time.
The forms and shapes of nature have been created over many years and have been molded by the interactions between people and nature. We can perceive this long duration of time in these shapes of nature themselves. By using the shapes, we believe we can explore the boundary in our perception of the long continuity of time.

teamLab: Digitized Ritsurin Garden will transform the beautiful Ritsurin Park, which is said to vary in scenery with every step, into an interactive art space which changes due to the presence of people.

チームラボ 栗林公園 光の祭

栗林公園は、国の特別名勝に指定された江戸初期(17世紀)の回遊式庭園(日本庭園)です。16世紀後半に築庭されたことに始まるといわれ、1630年代以降、大名庭園として拡大、修築を積み重ね、100年以上経た1745年に完成しました。 庭園は造られた当初から松で構成され、まるで盆栽のような松は、約300年に渡って手入れされてきました。

チームラボは、「Digitized Nature」というアートプロジェクトを行っています。非物質的であるデジタルテクノロジーによって、自然を破壊することなく「自然そのものが自然のままアートになる」というプロジェクトです。

人間は、自分の人生より長い時間を認知できないのではないか、つまり、長い時間の連続性に対する認知の境界があるのではないかと考えています。 長い年月をかけて自然がつくる形や、長く続いてきた人と自然との営みによる造形、その形こそが、長い時間を知覚できる形そのものであると考え、それらを使うことで、長い時間の連続性に対する認知の境界に対する模索をしたいと思っています。

「チームラボ 栗林公園 光の祭」では、一歩一景といわれる変化に富む美しい栗林公園を、人々の存在によって変化するインタラクティブな光のアート空間に変えます。

浮遊する呼応するランプ – ワンストローク / Floating Resonating Lamps – One Stroke
teamLab, 2019, Interactive Installation, Murano Glass, LED, Endless, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi





Floating Resonating Lamps – One Stroke
teamLab, 2019, Interactive Installation, Murano Glass, LED, Endless, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi

Each of the lamps on the water’s surface floats autonomously. When a person stands still near a lamp, or when the wind blows a lamp, it shines brightly and emits a sound. The light of that lamp is transmitted to nearby lamps one by one, as the sound is continuously emitted. The transmitted light always travels through each of the lamps only once, shining brightly, as it propagates through all of the lamps, continuing on to Life is Continuous Light on the island in the center of the pond. People become aware of the presence of others in the same space.

The light is transmitted in such a way that the total distance it travels as short as possible. In other words, the light travels in a single stroke along the shortest route through all of the lamps only once.

When the wind is not blowing and people are not nearby, the lamps begin to blink slowly.

*The lamps are made of Murano glass (Venetian glass).

生命は連続する光 – 涵翠池 / Life is Continuous Light – Kansui Pond
teamLab, 2020, Interactive Digitized Nature, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi



Life is Continuous Light – Kansui Pond
teamLab, 2020, Interactive Digitized Nature, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi

The island, trees, and stones of Kansui Pond shine brightly. The light is autonomous, slowly blinking.

The light transmitted from Floating, Resonating Lamps causes the light of the trees and stones to shine brightly, and a tone resonates out. Then, that light is transmitted in a single stroke through the nearby trees and stones, as the sound is continuously emitted.

If a light approaches from the opposite side, it signifies the presence of people. Perhaps people will become more aware of the existence of others in the same space.

自立しつつも呼応する生命の森 / Forest of Autonomous Resonating Life

自立しつつも呼応する生命の森 / Forest of Autonomous Resonating Life
teamLab, 2018, Interactive Installation, Endless, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi



Forest of Autonomous Resonating Life
teamLab, 2018, Interactive Installation, Endless, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi

The space is filled with ovoids of light. People move through the ovoids and enter the space.

When an ovoid is pushed, the color of its light changes, and it emits a sound tone specific to that color. The light resonates out to other ovoids nearby. The sound tone resonates out continuously in the same way as the light, spreading throughout the ovoids in the space.

If a wave of light comes from the other side of the space, it signifies that there is another person there. As a result, people gain a heightened sense of awareness of the presence of others in the same space.

増殖する生命の石壁 - 紫雲山 / Ever Blossoming Life Rock Wall - Mt. Shiun

増殖する生命の石壁 – 紫雲山 / Ever Blossoming Life Rock Wall – Mt. Shiun
teamLab, 2020, Digitized Nature, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi




Ever Blossoming Life Rock Wall – Mt. Shiun
teamLab, 2020, Digitized Nature, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi

Flowers bloom and scatter for eternity on the rock wall of Mt. Shiun. A year’s worth of seasonal flowers from the area bloom over the course of an hour, continuously scattering and changing.

Flowers are born, grow, bud, bloom, and eventually scatter, wither, and disappear. The flowers are in a continuous cycle of life and death, repeating forever.

Our own existence is part of this continuity of life and death, repeating endlessly, for an overwhelming length of time, for billions of years. However, it is difficult to perceive this in everyday life.

The eternal birth and death of the flowers on the rock wall, may allow us to realize that the existence of life itself is part of a continuous cycle of life and death.
The artwork is rendered in real time by a computer program. It is neither a prerecorded animation nor on loop, it is continuously changing. Previous visual states can never be replicated, and will never reoccur.

浮遊する、呼応する球体 / Floating, Resonating Spheres
teamLab, 2015, Interactive Installation, Endless, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi

浮遊する光の球体は、自律し、強く輝いたり消えたりし、まるでゆっくりと呼吸しているかのようにふるまう。 光の球体は、人が叩いたり何かにぶつかったりして衝撃を受けると、光の色を変化させ、色特有の音色を響かせる。そして、その近隣の球体も呼応し、同じ光の色に変化し音色を響かせる。そして次々にそのまわりの球体も連続的に呼応していく。

Floating, Resonating Spheres
teamLab, 2015, Interactive Installation, Endless, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi

Spheres of light float in the space、they move on their own, shining brightly, then disappearing—as if they are softly breathing. When the spheres of light are touched by a person or receive an impact, the color of their light changes, and they emit a musical tone unique to their new color. They then resonate that color and tone to the spheres around them, changing to the same color and emitting the same tone, resulting in a chain reaction.

呼応する木々 / Resonating Trees
teamLab, 2014, Interactive Digitized Nature, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi




Resonating Trees
teamLab, 2014, Interactive Digitized Nature, Sound: Hideaki Takahashi

Trees are lit up to shine brightly. The light of each tree is autonomous, slowly breathing it shines brightly and then fades.

When people pass close to the trees, the light changes color and a tone color resonates out. Then, the light of the tree will resonate to the trees on both sides The propagated light of the trees, will again resonate, and the color tone will continue to resonate along to the next trees.

When a light resonates from trees in the distance, it signifies the presence of people. Perhaps people will become more aware of the existence of other living things in the same space.

2020年1月26日撮影 写真レポート

水面に立ち続ける呼応する生命 / Autonomous Resonating Life on the Water

浮遊する、呼応する球体 / Floating, Resonating Spheres

自立しつつも呼応する生命 / Autonomous Resonating Life

滝。増殖する生命の石壁 – 紫雲山
Ever Blossoming Life Rock Wall – Mt. Shiun

浮遊する呼応するランプ – ワンストローク / Floating Resonating Lamps


呼応する木々 / Resonating Trees

チームラボ 栗林公園 光の祭
日程:2020年1月25日(土)〜3月1日 8日(日)
場所:栗林公園 (香川県高松市栗林町1-20-16) [Google Map]
時間:18:30〜21:30 (最終入園 21:00)

teamLab: Digitized Ritsurin Garden
Date : Jan 25th – Mar 1st 08th, 2020
Place : Ritsurin Garden (10-20-16 Ritsurin town, Takamatsu, Kagawa) [Google Map]
Time : 18:30-21:30
Closed : Every Wednesday
Admission : Early Bird Ticket
 Early Bird Ticket : Adults 1,300yen / Elementary, Junior High and High School Students 400yen / Preschool Children Free
 Same Day Ticket : Adults 1,500yen / Elementary, Junior High and High School Students 500yen / Preschool Children Free